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Reunion: Chapman Dance & KTDavis Dance

As artists, choreographers, professionals, and educators Chapman and Davis come together to present this shared eclectic, inspirational, and physically demanding dance program as their past reunites them with the present. Both choreographers graduated from the dance program at UC Santa Barbara over 20 years ago. Since then each has been deeply invested in the field of, educating, mentoring, creating, and inspiring younger generations. Enjoy this insightful, intertwined, and reflective evening of professional modern dance by two artists who have poured their passion into crafting language through movement that is ever-evolving. Showtimes: May 16 @ 7pm, May 17 @ 8:30, May 18 @ 2pm & 8:30pm, May 19 @ 5:30pm Light Box Theater as part of the San Diego Fringe Festival



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