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Comic Book & Graphic Novel Workshop

SATURDAYS / 6 WEEKS / 12-1:30PM / SEP. 7 - OCT. 12 / AGES 10-16 / $180

In this 6 week workshop, students will learn skills and techniques to create original characters and incorporate them into a mini comic book/zine.

• During weeks 1 and 2 we will learn how color and shape are used to create memorable characters and environments.

• On weeks 3 and 4 the students will learn about perspective, composition and story pacing while creating a rough draft for their comic book/zine. Mr. Jake is a professional artist and cartoonist, and he loves teaching kids how to create their own characters and stories!

• Weeks 5 and 6 will be focusing on the final draft and presentation of the comic book/zine.



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